
What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

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It seems Phillips wants to advocate same-sex marriages in order to re-create homosexuals in his perceived image of heterosexuals and in the process eliminate social disease.

The problem with Phillips’ premise is that he fails to explore historical origins, truly desirable alternatives and the ultimate result. Marriage itself is a primitive and barbaric practice which has no further application in the modern world. The concept was based upon the ability of the male partner to have assurance as to the bloodline of a child for the transfer of property; and the quick availability of a sexual outlet.

The actual result of the practice of marriage is that it has broken more individual lives than it has ever fulfilled, The desirable alternative is that all laws respecting marriage be written off our statute books. In its place, for those couples who actually desire a committed relationship, would be a contractual term of commitment of two to three years with an option to renew. Such a procedure would be far more equitable for all parties.


In the coming years, medical and scientific discoveries will steal the venom from the snake of social disease. The discoveries may also banish the diseases from our lives altogether. Perhaps AIDS and the epidemic of other social diseases are the vehicle for the birth of a new era in personal and sexual relationships.

Lastly, why should we even concern ourselves with what Bible publishers now print. Christianity is on the wane. It will be unable to withstand the objectivism and scrutiny of the 21st Century. As a major force in society, Christianity may last 100 more years. Then again, it may succumb well before then. And then, who will weep for the tyranny of the past?

