
Smog Rules to Cost 16,000 Jobs, Survey Says

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Air-pollution regulations will cost Southern California 16,000 jobs, according to an opinion survey to be released today by a business-labor group.

The Southern California Coalition for Jobs and a Clean Environment asked 400 area companies their perceptions of the effect on business of the regulations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

The year-old coalition includes the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, the California Manufacturers Assn. and the Ethnic Coalition of Southern California.


The coalition asked for a meeting with AQMD Chairman Norton Younglove to discuss recommendations that include providing job retraining and turning the district’s Public Advisory Office into an ombudsman to help small businesses deal with the regulations.

“At first glance (the study) appears constructive,” said Tom Eichhorn, a spokesman for the district. “It’s a more credible survey than some of the others we’ve seen.”
