
Pasadena : 6 Named to Northwest Panel

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Six people were appointed Tuesday to the newly created Northwest Commission, but City Directors turned down the appointment of Michael Zinzun, an activist who has filed a number of lawsuits against the city.

Zinzun was nominated by Director William Paparian, who chastised the board for refusing to seat Zinzun and then nominated Manuel Valle, a Northwest Pasadena activist. Valle will be voted on by the board in January.

Those named to the commission were Audrey Brantley and Enrique Medina, Northwest Task Force members; Mary Picone, a mother of three who is involved in school activities; Ralph Poole, a resident of the Kings Villages housing project; Jon Fuhrman, a political activist, and Michael Jimenez, legislative deputy for Los Angeles City Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky.


The commission will oversee city programs in Northwest Pasadena.
