
Adjourned Chess Game Ends in a Draw; Kasparov Holds Lead

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The adjourned 21st game of the world chess championship match between champion Gary Kasparov and former champion Anatoly Karpov ended in a draw Thursday in Lyon, France. Kasparov leads the match, 11 1/2-9 1/2. Unless Karpov wins the final three games of the match, Kasparov will remain champion for three more years.

The game began Wednesday with the King’s Indian Defense, one of the two openings Kasparov has used playing black. Karpov achieved a slight advantage, and Kasparov eventually sacrificed a pawn to get counter play. After a flurry of moves in time pressure, the game was adjourned in a wild position, still favoring Karpov. But overnight analysis convinced both players that white’s advantage was nominal, and the game was drawn Thursday after Karpov exhausted his winning attempts.

The next game is scheduled Saturday. Here are the moves of the game:

Karpov-Kasparov 21: 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6 5 f3 0-0 6 Be3 e5 7 d5 Nh5 8 Qd2 f5 9 0-0-0 a6 10 Bd3 c5 11 dxc6 Nxc6 12 Nd5 Be6 13 Bb6 Qd7 14 Ne2 Rac8 15 Kb1 Qf7 16 Rhe1 Kh8 17 Bc2 Nf6 18 Bd3 Nd7 19 Bg1 Nc5 20 Nb6 Rcd8 21 Nc3 Nd4 22 Ncd5 Bxd5 23 Nxd5 fxe4 24 fxe4 b5 25 Rf1 Qd7 26 cxb5 axb5 27 Rxf8+ Rxf8 28 h3 Qd8 29 Bxd4 exd4 30 Qe2 Qh4 31 Rf1 Re8 32 Rf4 Qg5 33 a3 h5 34 Ka2 b4 35 axb4 Ra8+ 36 Kb1 Nb3 37 Kc2 Na1+ 38 Kb1 Nb3 39 Qf2 Qd8 40 Rf7 Qe8 41 b5 Ra1+ 42 Kc2 Nc5 43 Rxg7 Kxg7 44 Qxd4+ Qe5 45 Qxe5+ dxe5 46 b6 Rg1 47 Ne3 Re1 48 Nc4 Rg1 49 Ne3 Re1 50 Nc4 Rg1 51 b4 Rxg2+ 52 Kc3 Na4+ 53 Kb3 Nxb6 54 Nxb6 Rg3 55 Kc3 Rxh3 56 b5 h4 57 Nc4 Rxd3+ 58 Kxd3 h3 59 b6 h2 60 b7 h1Q 61 b8Q Qf1+ 62 Kc3 Qc1+ 63 Kb3 Qd1+ 64 Ka2 Qa4+ 65 Na3 Qxe4 66 Qc7+ Kh6 67 Nc4 Qd5 68 Kb2 e4 69 Qf4+ Kg7 70 Kc3 Qd3+ 71 Kb4 Qd4 72 Qh4 Kf7 73 Kb5 Qd5+ 74 Kb4 Qd4 75 Qh7+ Qg7 76 Qh1 Qd4 77 Qh4 Kg8 78 Qf4 Kg7 79 Qc1 Kf6 80 Kb5 Qd5+ 81 Kb4 Qd4 82 Kb5 Qd5+ 83 Kb6 Qd4+ 84 Kc6 Ke6 85 Ne3 Qa4+ 86 Kb6 Qb4+. Drawn.
