
The Gospel of CLeaR-TV

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R’Lifestories’ Sponsors May Draw Fire From Christian Groups,” by Steve Weinstein (Dec. 18): I am writing about the potential boycott of sponsors involved with the AIDS episode on “Lifestories.”

In this article, Donald Wildmon, a higher-up in both CLeaR-TV and the American Family Assn., claims to speak for the “overwhelming majority of the American people” in decrying homosexuality. However, I strongly feel that Wildmon actually represents a loud but minuscule fringe element that is promoting the grievous misconception that hatred and bigotry are traditional American values.

Weinstein notes that Wildmon’s numerous objections to TV content include (a) positive portrayals of homosexuals and (b) anti-Christian bigotry. In other words, it’s OK for fundamentalists to wage a “holy war” against homosexuals, but discrimination against Christians is a no-no.


Somehow, this seems a bit contradictory to me, and hypocritical as well!


