
Decrease in SSI Payments

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I have just received a letter from the Social Security Administration in Baltimore, Md., telling me that I will get a $23 decrease in Supplemental Security Income. Not only will I not receive a $23 increase, but coupled with the decrease, it will cost me $552 a year. How many thousands of people in California are in the same shape?

With the state being broke, do you think it will be enough to pay for the raises they just passed for the politicians. Think about it when you hear about someone being laid off in your department or your company. Possibly one of your neighbors.

They say we are in a recession. It doesn’t matter what they call it, they have never lost a job because of the economy. When you lose your job because of the economy, the best word is depression. Because that is the word to describe how you feel. Depressed.


Think about it the next time you vote!

