
Dutch Airline to Use Airvision Equipment

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Airvision, a Valencia producer of electronic entertainment systems for airlines, said Air Holland has signed an agreement to be the first carrier in the world to use the company’s advanced multichannel entertainment technology.

The agreement, signed Nov. 30, calls for installation of the company’s Model 400 Cabin Management Entertainment System in two Boeing 767s operated by the Dutch charter airline, Joel Pomonik, Airvision marketing manager, said.

The system allows passengers to select from as many as 12 video channels and up to 30 audio channels, Pomonik said. Also, passengers can order beverages and meals, make hotel and car rental reservations, buy duty-free items and make direct-dial telephone calls from their seats, he said.


The units, which attach to the rear of passenger seats, will be installed in the first-class sections of the two aircraft in mid-1991, the company said. The systems will be on planes that fly to the Caribbean and Kenya and other long-distance destinations in southern Europe and North Africa.

Pomonik would not disclose how much Air Holland paid for the systems.

Airvision is owned by North American Philips Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of N.V. Philips of the Netherlands.
