
1990 in Review : Malibu : Cityhood OKd, but Incorporation Stalled

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After contending for two years of opposition from Los Angeles County officials, Malibu voters in June finally held an incorporation election and, by an 84% majority, approved cityhood for the seaside community.

But there is still no city.

The County Board of Supervisors, intent on starting construction of a controversial sewer system for Malibu before a new city government has the chance to block it, delayed the incorporation until next March 28.

Cityhood backers tried but failed to win court relief to nullify the county’s delaying tactics. In September, they were handed another setback when Gov. George Deukmejian vetoed legislation that would have cleared the way for cityhood.


Now, however, things are looking up for cityhood backers.

A new measure was introduced in the state Legislature this month that backers hope will be ready for Gov.-elect Pete Wilson’s signature by February.

In addition, Supervisor Kenneth Hahn, who voted for the delay, said recently that he is prepared to vote for immediate incorporation. All four major candidates in the Jan. 22 special election to fill the seat being vacated by Supervisor Pete Schabarum, who is retiring, have said they would do the same. Along with Supervisor Ed Edelman, who already supports Malibu’s efforts, pro-cityhood votes may soon be a majority among the supervisors.
