
All Sides Support the GIs, but the War?

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Thank you for publishing the very interesting interview by Susan Christian with Jeanie Bernstein, the Laguna Beach woman who has spent so many years protesting the war-making activities of our government (View, Jan. 30). I too belong to her generation and recognize how difficult it is to be always on the side that is opposed to violence.

I deeply resent being accused of unpatriotism and not supporting our troops in the Persian Gulf because I am opposed to our government sending them there. A thoughtful person, carefully studying the causes of this war and patiently waiting for a logical explanation from our President, does not have many outlets for frustration.

Standing on a corner with a sign “Bring Our Troops Home” has special meaning for me. The trooper I want to come home safe is my beloved grandson. I think this war is a terrible mistake and can only hope and pray that it will not end in tragedy for all of us.


I appreciate the tolerant attitude of your article, rather rare these days. Thank you.


Corona del Mar
