
High-Speed Train Project Delayed

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The Gulf War, German reunification and reluctant Japanese investors have combined to delay completion of the proposed Anaheim-Las Vegas high-speed magnetic levitation train line at least five more years, to 2002, a Bechtel Corp. executive said Monday.

“In the U.S., the Gulf War and the recession have impacted the availability of development capital,” said Tom A. Marlow II, Bechtel’s project director and a corporate vice president. “Because of these changes in world conditions, the project is going to be delayed five years or more.”

Orange County Supervisor Don R. Roth, chairman of the bistate commission, said this does not mean the project is facing life-threatening obstacles.


“The Japanese are taking a long look at the project because of world conditions,” Roth said. “There is no indication that this project isn’t going to go through to completion.”
