
WESTMINSTER : City Amends Adult Businesses Code


The City Council, facing a lawsuit by the owner of a nude cabaret, has passed an urgency ordinance that changes the way adult businesses are regulated.

On Tuesday night, the City Council aestablished requirements for nude bars and massage parlors and passed an urgency ordinance outlining an appeals process.

But Roger Jon Diamond, representing Shangri-La, a nude dance business, called the revisions no better than the city’s previous law.


“Apparently fearing that we were going to win (the lawsuit), the city hastily adopted an urgency ordinance” to fix the old ordinance’s legal flaws,” Diamond said.

Diamond alleged that the revised ordinance sets impossible requirements for adult businesses, which include topless bars and massage parlors. They may not operate within 250 feet of churches, schools or residential zones, or within 200 feet of similar businesses.

“No parcel of property meets those restrictions,” he said.
