
Single Sore

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Re “Paying a High Price to Travel Alone,” Jan. 6:

Please inform the Hotel and Motel Assn. that all singles do not “equate spaciousness with comfort.” Some of us equate privacy with comfort. Smaller rooms with smaller beds are fine.

Nor do I accept the travel officials’ idea that a single is getting a discount. It is only a discount because the travel industry does not concern itself with the comfort of single people and is just catering to its own monetary comfort. C’mon folks. Some of us singles would travel more if we had single rooms.

Assistance in finding roommates is not the right answer. Why should I want to share a room with a stranger? How about tours for singles where a single has a single room? The only idea in that article that was really of interest was the idea of having a table for singles, but, please, no great fanfare about it.


Los Angeles
