
Hollywood at War

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Concerning “All Quiet on the Hollywood Front,” by Judith Michaelson and Diane Haithman, Feb. 17: Charlton Heston betrays his misunderstanding of activism in his remark that “peaceniks” carrying U.S. flags is a “contradiction in terms.”

Why do conservatives insist that exercising freedom of protest is anti-American? The same people who claim that we’re fighting for democracy seem to have a barely disguised contempt for it.

And as for producer Barbara Corday’s contemptible remark that she finds herself rooting in front of the TV as though the war were a football game, doesn’t she realize that this is how the Administration has sold this war? Listen to the Pentagon briefings or Gen. Colin Powell’s comments to the troops. For all the football imagery, this could be happening in a locker room.



Los Angeles
