
‘No Thanks’ to Early Mola Vote; Read Initiative Before Signing

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When are the Mola Initiative proponents going to get their act together? First we were told that the 4,005 signatures showed overwhelming support for the initiative and the council should immediately vote for approval. Now we are told that the solicitors informed the signers that the initiative called for a special election. They also state that the intention of the 4,005 signers was to call for an election.

We are to believe that everybody wanted a special election, but nobody bothered to read the front page of the initiative to see what they were actually signing. Nowhere does the initiative call for a special election. The conclusion to be reached is that nobody read the first page, let alone the other 83 pages, of this complex legislative document.

Seal Beach Citizens for Parks, Open Space, and Responsible Government asked you in the past to take them on faith and sign their initiative. Before the residents of Seal Beach make that mistake again, I recommend they read what they sign.


