
‘It’s an Astounding Devotion’

<i> The following is from a speech that President Bush gave Monday at the White House in tribute to Black History Month</i>

Black Americans have fought for this country for over 200 years. And they never received the credit that they deserved for their devoted patriotism, for their vision and their sacrifices. And America owes a long-overdue tribute to these men and women who, long before they had rights, believed in what was right.

For two centuries, black soldiers have established a record of pride in the face of incredible obstacles. For not only did they risk their lives fighting for freedom for their own and for other countries, but they did it at the same time that they were being denied their own God-given freedoms at home. And think about how much they must have loved this country, how they believed in its dreams. It’s an astounding devotion; it’s in a league by itself. And you can feel that love of country just as strongly out there in the Gulf today.

And, yes, we’ve made great progress in righting the wrongs of the past, but tragically, racism and bigotry, illiteracy and poverty still exist. . . . And when these Gulf heroes come home, they’ll continue to fight injustice by fighting discrimination and despair with the same commitment. And we will stand with them.
