
Redevelopment Housing Funds

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The article (Part A, Feb. 10) on the use of redevelopment housing funds missed the mark. It tried to picture local cities as ducking their responsibilities in providing affordable housing. The article stated that Downey declined to set aside 20% of its housing funds. However, a closer check of city records shows that the city has been setting aside the required 20%, with a project amendment in 1987.

Our City Council did make a substantial effort to assist housing by using Community Development Block Grant funds. Since 1978, the city has allocated more than $3.5 million of grant funds toward housing. During this same period, the housing set aside would have only generated $800,000. Should Downey only have allocated the required set aside? This would have met the letter of the law. Also during this period of time, the city assisted in the construction of 114 housing units.

State housing policies have for too long relied on cities to solve the problems of affordable housing. State programs have not asked land owners to lower land prices, they have not asked developers to lower profits and banks have not been asked to lower financing rates for home builders. The housing affordability problem cannot be solved by the cities alone.



Mayor of Downey
