
After the War, Who’s on Top and Who’s Not?

Joe Scott is a Los Angeles political analyst

Winners: President Bush, the United Nations, British Prime Minister John Major, Israel, France, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Sen. ALbert Gore, Jr., Democratic Reps. Stephen Solarz, Mel Levine and Howard Berman, CNN, Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, U.S. military air power, the high-tech and defense industries, Patriots, foreign policy, optimism and unconventional wisdom.

Losers: Saddam Hussein, King Hussein, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Arab masses, Jordan, the PLO, China, Majority Leader George Mitchell, Sen. Sam Nunn, Speaker Tom Foley, Majority Leader Richard Gephardt, Congressional backers of the sanctions, the media, pessimism, retired rent-a-generals, think-tank pundits, Scuds, chemical weapons, anti-war activists, domestic policy and conventional wisdom.
