
Ex-Official Ordered to Demolish Garage

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A former Rolling Hills Estates planning commissioner who found himself in hot water after he built a garage without obtaining necessary city approvals has been ordered to tear down the structure.

City Council members decided Tuesday that Donald Landauer must demolish the extra garage on his property because it violates city codes governing setbacks and lot coverage.

The garage was brought to the city’s attention by Landauer’s next-door neighbor. Following a public outcry, the council last summer voted to censure Landauer.


Landauer blamed the violations on a hectic work schedule and his own failure to make sure that the contractor he hired to build the garage followed proper city procedures.

Landauer served as a planning commissioner for 11 years. His last term expired at the end of 1990, at which time he said he could no longer serve because of new demands for out-of-state travel in his business.
