
Democrats and Gulf Crisis

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The Republicans brought us Grenada to save our students. It was sorta, er, well, justa a war or was it an invasion? Then they brought us Panama. Guess it was sorta an invasion too, now wasn’t it, to keep our streets safe from--oh yeah, from “drugs.” Now they brought us the “Bad Man Saddam Hussein Show,” justa war, er no, this was a real live war, a real “Just War” to keep the people of Kuwait in the hands of those freedom-loving sheiks. This one is over but don’t count on another sideshow right away. You can just bet a box of red, white and blues plus a couple of boxes of yellows that the rest of the nations (all of ‘em) are keeping a low profile and smiling our way 24 hours a day and saying to themselves, “Who is that ‘kinder, gentler bunch of crazies’ going to bomb next?”


Newport Beach
