
Downfall of Sen. Cranston


I watched many of the Keating hearings on C-Span, and I cannot see where any of the senators involved were in violation of any law, including Sen. Cranston. The senators involved represented Charles Keating as they would any constituent. Lincoln Savings would have fallen whether the senators had interceded or not.

For four decades Cranston has served California and the nation supporting legislation which cut across all spectrums. Even though his strength rested with the liberals, Cranston was a pragmatist to realize the importance of supporting business interests as well as labor. Cranston has served our state well.

I fail to see the crime of raising money to register minority voters. If registering voters is considered a crime, then we’ve lost our democracy.


Cranston and others have advocated campaign reform. Common Cause is a great advocate of such reform. Our democracy can little survive if millions of dollars are required to wage a political campaign. Politicians must be directed to good old-fashioned debating without hoopla. We could learn some lessons from the British.

S.M. ROSEN, Newbury Park
