
Middle East Peace Talks

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In his speech of March 6, President Bush resumed the principle of “territory for peace” as a magic formula capable of solving the longstanding Arab-Israeli conflict. I am surprised that no mention was made in this speech that such a principle should apply also to the Kurds, the Christians and to other minorities who are oppressed in the Middle East. After the Holocaust, the surviving Jews regained a small piece of land, which was previously conquered by Muslim invasions with blood and destruction. The Jewish people need their land for the population already living in Israel, as well as for those who continue to return to their historic homeland.

The Palestinians are welcomed in Israel if they are ready to live in peace. The Palestinians claim that they have a right to this land, but the Israelis should at least have an equal claim. The Israelis have no choice for another homeland. The Palestinians may have, and if they want a homeland (they are entitled to it), let them look to the existing Arab states. These should offer a little of their land for their brothers who are in need, while the Israelis have been waiting 43 years with stretched hands to offer peace.


Corona del Mar
