
BREA : City Votes to Buy Downtown Parcels

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As part of an effort to revitalize the downtown area, the City Council this week voted to buy eight parcels along Birch Street. However, some of the landowners remain opposed to the deal.

The land will be used to widen Birch Street, one of the city’s major east-west corridors, which is expected to be heavily traveled once downtown redevelopment is complete. The city needs to acquire a 10-foot strip to widen the street.

The purchases will be made using the power of eminent domain, which allows cities to buy land at fair-market value even though the owner may not be agreeable to the idea. Councilman Carrey J. Nelson, who owns property near the site, did not vote on the matter.


Under the plan, six single-family homes will be condemned, along with a neighborhood grocery store.

So far only three of the property owners have accepted the city’s purchase offer. A contingent of land owners have hired an attorney to block acquisition of their land.

“The property owners don’t want to sell what isn’t needed for the street widening,” said attorney Michael Leifer, who is representing the residents. “The facts are clear the city only needs a 10-foot strip.”


However, City Atty. James L. Markman said it was more economical to purchase the entire lot instead of widening the street and leaving a strip that can’t be used.

It will cost the city about $1 million to acquire the properties, including relocation expenses for the displaced families.

Tuesday night’s council vote allows the city to begin eminent domain procedures. Once the proper papers are filed, acquisitions can begin in about 90 days. Until then, the property owners will continue to negotiate with the city over the purchase price of their parcels.
