
Hussein May Have Thought He Could Win the War, Diplomat Tells Congress

<i> Reuters</i>

The U.S. ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, said Thursday that she believes President Saddam Hussein was convinced last July that the United States would go to war in the Persian Gulf if necessary but might have believed he could win.

Glaspie’s testimony to a House subcommittee was sharply challenged by the chairman, Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), who cited a series of Administration statements to try to show that the United States gave conflicting signals.

Glaspie’s appearance before members of Congress was her second in two days after a seven-month silence about her role in Baghdad before Iraq invaded Kuwait last Aug. 2.


Hamilton said that after Iraq had massed troops near the Kuwait border, U.S. officials had stated publicly that the United States had no defense commitments to Kuwait and that if force were used Washington would be extremely concerned.

But Glaspie said she had stated the U.S. position, that it would defend its vital interests, at a meeting with Hussein one week before the invasion and “Saddam Hussein had no question in his mind. I’m quite convinced of that.”
