
In Hiding: A woman and her 5-year-old...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

In Hiding: A woman and her 5-year-old daughter at the center of a paternity suit involving Britain’s Capt. Mark Phillips went into hiding Thursday in New Zealand. Heather Tonkin, 37, and her daughter, Felicity, left their home hours after the case involving Phillips, estranged husband of Princess Anne, was revealed. A London paper said Phillips “has never accepted that he is the father.” Phillips, 42, and Princess Anne, 40-year-old daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, separated in August, 1989, after 15 years of marriage and two children.

Eulogy: Jesse Jackson will deliver the eulogy Saturday at the funeral of a soldier who survived war in the Gulf but not the streets of Detroit. Army Spec. Anthony Riggs, 22, part of a Patriot missile team, was gunned down by a car thief Monday. Said Jackson: “He had the choice of dying in Kuwait or dying in Detroit. He should have been able to live in both.”

Do I Hear an Amen?: Manuel Noriega, deposed leader of Panama, is now bound for glory. From his jail cell in Miami where he is awaiting trial for drug smuggling, Noriega reportedly wrote two Texas evangelists: “I received Jesus Christ as my Savior the 15th of May of 1990 at 11 a.m. in a small room, like unto a cave.” But the U.S. attorney sniped: “Our criminal laws are built on the belief that persons are responsible for their acts.”


The Smell of Victory: Maura Commito, 9, has a toehold on the annual Odor-Eaters rotten sneaker contest in Montpelier, Vt. She scored “most horrible” in all categories Wednesday after bike riding, baseball and sloshing through mud to get her Reeboks totally disgusting. Joked mayor Ann Cummings: “Maura is living proof that women can compete in every area.”
