
CYPRESS : City to Consider Recycling Choices

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The City Council is expected to choose between two residential recycling plans tonight.

Two major options will be discussed during the public hearing, and residents are encouraged to give their input, Under state law, every city is supposed to reduce waste 25% by 1995.

The first option would establish a curbside program requiring residents to separate trash into recyclables and nonrecyclables, according to Jamie Herbon, recycling coordinator.

According to bids given to the city, this option would be less expensive for residents. However, it would take several months before the necessary equipment could be purchased and would not start until August or September.


The second option, known as the materials recovery system, does not require residents to manually sort their trash. Instead, sorting would be done after the trash is hauled to a special refuse plant.

Briggeman Disposal Inc. will handle the residential recycling program. The company is currently under contract with the city for the collection and disposal of all residential, commercial and industrial waste in the city.

The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the council chambers, 5275 Orange Ave.
