
TECHNOLOGY - March 26, 1991

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Compiled by Dean Takahashi/Times staff writer

Do-It-Yourself PCs: Must you be a technical wizard to build your own computer from scratch? Not according to Eric Lau, manager of the Domino Computer Self Service Center in Fountain Valley.

At Domino stores, customers are encouraged to build their own IBM-compatible personal computers from components under the step-by-step supervision of Domino technicians.

“Lots of companies sell compatible systems, but we emphasize service,” Lau said. “We can build the computer for a $100 service charge, but we think it’s important for people to learn how to do it themselves.”


From a marketing standpoint, Lau said the approach should also bring repeat business from customers who learn how to upgrade their computers and get the most out of the technology.

The chain, owned by Spear Technology in Fremont, has 17 do-it-yourself stores, including two that opened this month in Fountain Valley and Irvine.
