
Norwalk : Fees Increased, New Ones Created for Some Services

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The Norwalk City Council on Tuesday tentatively approved creating new fees and increasing current fees for more than 100 services, which could bring in as much as $12 million a year in extra revenue.

Public hearings will be held in the next few months and the City Council must give final approval before the new rates can take effect, Assistant City Manager Sanford Groves said.

According to state law, the city can charge for services that benefit only part of the taxpaying public, such as removal of abandoned vehicles.


The city contracted with Management Services Institute of Anaheim to study whether Norwalk was charging too little for some city services. The firm found that the city spends $25 million for 117 special services, while its current fees bring in only $9.9 million. The council is considering exemptions and lower rates for senior citizens for weed abatement, dog licensing and other services.
