
Planned Parenthood Motives Challenged

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I am outraged to hear that Planned Parenthood is planning on opening an abortion mill in Torrance.

It’s sickening to hear Planned Parenthood’s lies about how in their words they are “hoping to aid thousands of poor South Bay residents.” I wonder if they’re really interested in helping these poor women or if they’re simply using them for bloody profits?

According to the Journal of the American Medical Assn., the abortion industry in 1982 had an annual revenue of $484 million. That’s no small business. And Fay Wattleton, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, earned $184,000 last year. Big bucks!


Let’s face it, abortion is a billion-dollar empire and Planned Parenthood wants to pocket a huge share of this money. And it’s easy money--because not only is Planned Parenthood exploiting the women it performs abortions on but it is also exploiting American taxpayers. In 1984, Planned Parenthood received more than $91 million in federal, state and local funds. How long are Americans going to tolerate being forced/taxed to pay for murderous abortions?

Planned Parenthood’s not really concerned for the women in this community. They’re wolves dressed in sheep’s clothes and they’re coming to the South Bay to pull their bloody wool over the eyes of the poor, the young, the uneducated, and the misinformed.


Redondo Beach
