
Alta Vista PTA Urges Cost-of-Living Raises

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As a very involved and concerned PTA in the Redondo Beach City School District, we have very serious concerns regarding the proposed budget for public education in California, which does not even have a cost-of-living adjustment. How can our state legislators expect schools to maintain programs without at least the 4.77% COLA? We urge every concerned parent and citizen in our state to write their legislators and ask them to oppose any suspension of Proposition 98.

We believe we have a commitment to provide adequate education programs for our children--they should not be the ones to pay for the budget crisis. Spending cuts should be made equitably. Children and schools should not carry a greater burden than other state programs. We urge our state government to provide funds that our voters dedicated to education by their passage of Proposition 98.

Thank you for your attention and involvement in this most important crisis, which faces the future of all our children in California.




For the Alta Vista PTA

Redondo Beach
