
Slaying of Black in Korean Market

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I am deeply disturbed by the death of young Latasha Harlins. However, I am equally disturbed by the attempts to make this seem like yet another racially motivated incident. In the wake of the Rodney King incident it seems that this would be the easy thing to do.

I am a police officer who works in the area where the Empire Market is located. I have spoken with Joseph Du and his family on numerous occasions. They have been terrorized by local gang members, shot at and threatened. Things got so bad that they even closed down the store for two weeks last month. I arrested one of the gang members who was wanted for these acts of terrorism and he and two other gang members are being held on bail of over $200,000. Yet others connected in these crimes are still outstanding and continue to threaten the Dus, who are currently going to court on this matter. The family is extremely frightened and shook up over the incident. Soon Ja Du in particular has become very jittery, afraid these gang members are going to kill her and her family.

Obviously, Soon Ja Du was in no mental state to have been working at the store after all that has happened. Although this mental anguish does not excuse what she did to Latasha, I think it will help the public understand why this tragic event happened. Let’s not incite another public outcry, this time against Korean-Americans. Rather, let’s reveal what this is really about. It is not just a case of a store clerk overreacting and acting negligent. It is one in a growing number of innocent people being affected by the terrorism and violence of the street gangs in L.A.



Los Angeles
