
Turmoil in Iraq


In light of the mass murder of civilian Kurds and Shiites in Iraq in the last few days, it would appear that America’s post-Gulf War policy on Iraq is a fool’s stance. By refusing to attempt the stopping of this genocide of innocents, our country is inviting the hatred of these people for generations. We are missing a golden opportunity to show good faith to the Shiites with whom we already have an adversarial relationship. We are also demonstrating to the Kurds, whom we have helped in the past, that our concern for their plight is transitory.

Why can we not supply Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to the Kurds of Iraq to down the helicopters of Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard? They are fighting the same enemy as we. Why can’t we shoot down the helicopters that strafe and chase women and children through the farms and deserts only a few miles from our own front-line troops? How many more tortured and wounded children must our troops watch pass before them?

If George Bush is truly the Christian he would have his people believe, then it is time for him to demonstrate to the world that he is more than a mere politician or President. It is time he showed his God and his people that George Bush is above that. It is time to show he is a man.



