
Developers Should Go to States With More Water

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Thank you for Jube Shiver’s informative article, “Battling Over Limited Water Rights” (March 26). As I’ve sat on many a freeway “speeding along” at 5 m.p.h. and gazing at desert hillsides being raped by developers’ bulldozers many concerns come to mind:

Where are they going to get the water? Will each home have automatic lawn sprinklers that go on even if it’s raining? County building departments check out developers’ plans and take into consideration grading design to cope with the famous “100-year flood.” Why no provisions for the more common 10 to 20 year droughts in this region. When all these new residents hit the freeways, will we be speeding along at 5 m.p.h. or will it be down to 3 m.p.h.? What will the air be like?

In chemistry when you keep adding salt to a given amount of water, it ceases to dissolve and settles to the bottom of the jar. The solution is then referred to as “saturated.” Lesson: Don’t waste more salt because it won’t dissolve.


A plea to all concerned--from Sacramento to local planning agencies and water authorities--shift some of this growth to unsaturated states with adequate water. It’s sort of ridiculous to invest $300,000 in a new home and have to flush the $300 toilet with a bucket of greasy dishwater!


Valley Center
