
Bernson Plan Serves Needs of the Few

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Regarding “Commuter Route to Be Closed at Rush Hour,” what will our ingenious councilman think of next in trying to deal with the Valley’s runaway growth problems?

Why not close Sepulveda Boulevard to southbound traffic in the morning and close it to northbound traffic in the evening? We could also restrict access on both Reseda Boulevard and Tampa Avenue north of Rinaldi Street to residents only. Councilman Bernson lives in Granada Hills, but why should his neighborhood be the only one with restricted access?

Why does Bernson want Sesnon Boulevard to become a major artery, including a $10-million bridge over Aliso Canyon, when that will route 160,000 extra cars a day through our Porter Ranch neighborhoods? Bernson also wants to see the huge Porter Ranch project, with 6 million square feet of commercial space, built and this will encourage people to commute from Santa Clarita as well as Simi Valley.


It’s time to stop this “bandage” brand of politics and address the real issues such as overdevelopment, traffic and crime. A few street closures and “no left turn” signs are not going to solve our major league problems. We need to go back to the drawing board and reassess the Porter Ranch Specific Plan.


