
The Quality of His Art Is No Secret


Thank you for your review of the Jerome Gastaldi exhibition (“A Pseudonym Is One Thing, While Pseudo Art Is Something Else” by Cathy Curtis, Calendar, June 3). We were gratified by the positive reception so many viewers accorded the word of a new artist, and pleasantly surprised by the number of sales.

Your report treats the use of a nom de brosse almost as if a secret were being withheld. Yet the truth is rather simple. In choosing a professional name, Gastaldi honored his mother’s family name. Of course, were he to use his given name, he could be accused of benefiting from his position as a museum director. He prefers acceptance based on the quality of his art, which, we agree, is how the art should be evaluated.


The Charles Whitchurch Gallery

Huntington Beach

Editor’s note: “Jerome Gastaldi” is really Bob Abbott, co-founder and president of the Modern Museum of Art in Santa Ana. MORE LETTERS: F4
