
Abortion Pill Controversy

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Although the military has been criticized for devaluing human life by referring to civilian casualties as “collateral damage,” the military is not the only party worthy of such criticism. David Grimes, in his column supporting the use of RU-486, similarly devalues human life (June 17). To him, pregnancy is merely a “condition,” which RU-486 is effective “in treating.” The human fetus is simply a “content” of the uterus. Indeed, all human life is nothing but a “product of conception.”

As a physician, Grimes should know that the best cure for any condition is prevention. However, he and all the parties in the RU-486 debate--Planned Parenthood, the Coalition for RU-486, the Bush Administration--have spent more time and energy debating the merits of RU-486 than they have in pushing for more and better contraceptives and education.

If everyone sincerely believes that the number of abortions performed should be reduced, the debate about RU-486 is sadly mis-focused. RU-486 is a duplicative drug. For a real “cure,” we should lobby for contraceptives.


