
Studio Offers Formosa Cafe a Change of Plot : Landmarks: Warner Bros. says it will move the famed eatery instead of razing it to make way for a parking lot.


Warner Bros. Hollywood Studios, which came under heavy community pressure to drop its plan to demolish the Formosa Cafe, has agreed to spare the famed restaurant by moving it intact to another location on the same property.

The compromise agreement announced Thursday will remove a major obstacle to the studio’s expansion plans while allowing a small group of loyal patrons to preserve the 50-year-old restaurant once frequented by Marilyn Monroe, Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable.

“It’s not that we defeated or killed Goliath, but we managed to reach a compromise that is pleasing to all,” said David Hefner of Friends of the Formosa.


The studio purchased the restaurant property at Santa Monica Boulevard and Formosa Avenue four years ago with the intention of expanding its Warner Hollywood studios, part of a major development proposal that has yet to be approved by West Hollywood.

The studio plans to put a parking lot on the restaurant site, but that is not expected to take place for at least seven years. Hefner said the studio has assured his group that when it plans to build the parking structure, the restaurant will be moved to another section of the same property, about 250 feet east along Santa Monica Boulevard.

Dan Garcia, a spokesman for Warner Bros., said the studio was caught off guard by the community reaction against its plan to demolish the building.

“The building is not architecturally significant,” he said, “but it does bring back a lot of fond memories--history and sense of tradition associated with the movies. The compromise has given this a happy ending.”

However, the studio’s plan must be approved by the city.

“What the Warner people have done is met with community groups, written up a wish list that so far has everybody happy,” said John Jakupcap, associate planner in West Hollywood. “Let’s hope it stays that way.”

Bill Jung, co-owner and manager of the Formosa, said he was pleased with the agreement, but will wait before celebrating.


“The news is great, but I want to see something in black and white first,” he said.
