
John McCarthy


Kidnaped: April 17, 1986

Released: Aug. 8, 1991

Age 34, single, a native of Barnet, North London, England.

Studied at Hull University in northern England and took up a career in advertising before switching to journalism.

Joined Worldwide Television News as a newswriter in 1982. Was assigned to Beirut as a temporary replacement in March, 1986.

Abducted by gunmen as he drove to Beirut airport to catch a flight home. His employers ordered him back after 32 days in his new post in Lebanon.


McCarthy’s mother, Sheila, died of cancer in July, 1989. Shortly before her death, she appealed in vain to see her son one last time.

Was released with a message to U.N. Secretary General Perez de Cuellar from the Islamic Jihad.
