
Real Culprits Behind Death of Woman

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Since racism goes both (new concept?) ways, the murder of Janet Bicknell was an issue of racism. Enrique Segoviano called it a “mistake” (“Suspect Calls Fatal Shooting a Mistake,” Aug. 8). Where are all the do-gooders? Or is racism only when a white person is involved but “mistakes” in other cases? Are Segoviano and his group also sexists or just playful?

Frankly, I’m sick of all the murders, rapes and assaults. This state is on its way to becoming New York City-West and the issues are being lost while the name-calling continues.

We are human beings (all of us) under siege and the media are very responsible for the perpetration of hatred as much as the rest of us. Rodney King was not a black beaten by white police officers but a human being.


Police officers, Latinos, whites, blacks and all of us must stop the name-calling, the racism, and everything else and realize that the packages are different but the contents are the same, and that some of us are a little more rotten than the rest but most of us are just fine.

