
Bree Walker’s Right to Make Her Own Choice

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Regarding “Bree Walker Blasts KFI’s Baby Talk” (Calendar, Aug. 17): The KFI-AM show with Jane Norris disputing Walker’s right to have a child has disturbed me for weeks.

I don’t think Norris “handled this with a lot of sensitivity,” as she claims. She stomped on a female caller who told her that the show’s viewpoint was bordering on fascism. Norris squelched the caller’s opinion so soundly that anyone would need guts to call in and differ with her opinion.

I believe in free speech, and, yes, I realize KFI hosts (like Action News) must think about controversy to keep good ratings--but this went too far.


I think Norris is operating out of a chasm of great ignorance. Were she better informed about what horrifying genetic research went on in Nazi Germany, had a disabled loved one--or was disabled herself--I believe she would have an entirely different point of view.

At any rate, if theories such as reincarnation hold weight, she has some interesting karma to work out next time around.


West Los Angeles
