
Soviets Line Up for Chance to Lash Out at the Party

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Outside Soviet Communist Party Central Committee headquarters on Staraya Square, Soviet citizens speak out against the party:

“This day will become a historic one: We say goodby forever to the structure that held the country’s neck for so many years. The building must become a public library or a children’s center, something very, very peaceful. Enough of orders and instructions from the ‘leading and guiding force of our society.’ ”

--Mikhail S. Somov, 68, World War II veteran and retired railroad engineer.

‘Moment of History’

“I experience joy and happiness standing here in Moscow in this moment of history.”

--Eldar Gorudzev, 27, truck driver from Baku.

‘Never a Viable Theory’

“It is clear to everyone that communism has been dead for decades. It was probably never a viable theory. But the victors must not turn into vultures and eat the warm meat of the Communists.”


--Yuri Barmin, 25, construction worker and amateur poet.

‘That Damned Organization’

“We had 15 people working in our department, and all were party members. Now we have no Communists. All resigned from that damned organization. . . . Taking over the party headquarters is not an act of revenge but a logical conclusion. There are a lot of archives in here. They must be investigated.”

--Igor K. Naletov, 55, auto engineer.

‘Best Thing I Haven’t Done’

“I thank the Lord Almighty now that He saved me from joining the party. This is the best thing I haven’t done in my life. But we must be aware that we have shaken only the top of the gigantic iceberg.”

--Yuri Mikhailov, 57, physics researcher.

‘Ashamed of My Past’

“To become a Communist was a great honor for me. I went to political classes to know more about the history of the party. . . . But last year I resigned. I realized I was wrong. . . . I was a part of the criminal mob. Now, I am ashamed of my past. But I am young enough to prove I can be just a good worker and person.”


--Alexander Kryshkin, 34, electrician.

‘A Fascist Party’

“I am not a Communist and have never been one because I have a head on my shoulders. Our beloved Communist Party--goddamn it! This is an anti-people party and a fascist party by its nature.”

--Mikhail I. Yudin, 80, pensioner.

‘Different Times’

“I was a party member. You know, I could not have gotten another promotion if I were not. Now we live in different times, and I left the party just by not paying the party dues.”

--A police major who declined to give his name.
