
Sizing Up Ex-Irvine Mayor Agran as a Candidate in Race for U.S. President


Re: Dana Parsons’ column “Larry Scenario: Why Agran Could Be a Primary Figure” (Aug. 23): Parsons’ sarcastic and snide attack on Larry Agran’s sincere bid for the presidency amounted to no more than name-calling. Like some bratty kid in a schoolyard, he substituted moonbeams for substance. Worse yet, he didn’t really do his homework. He was shortsighted to an extreme.

Perhaps when he has lived my life span, he might be able to catch up with those of us who insist, before “God and everybody” down at the supermarket, that we can make a better world for all people, not just a chosen few. Thank heavens, Mr. Agran is a bold, outrageous man.

