
Program Offers a Boost to Her Successful Image


Perfectly groomed and wearing an almost permanent smile, Charlene Kee is a walking advertisement for her image consulting business.

Within moments, it is evident that the smile is genuine, expressing her like for people and enthusiasm for life. Small wonder that her business goes beyond appearance makeovers.

“It’s different from most,” she says. “My focus includes attitude and behavior.”

Kee graduated from USC in 1984 with a degree in human resources management and went to work for a doctor. But, she says, she wanted to do something on her own: “I always loved clothing. I thought, ‘Let me try that.’ ”


Having seen vendors come into beauty parlors selling handbags and other items, Kee took $50, went to the garment district, bought five unisex shirts and, wearing one of them, made the rounds. Admiring the way she looked, customers snatched them up. Kee went right back to the garment center with her earnings and repeated the process.

“After a while, I bought my first rack,” she says, smiling and savoring the memory. “I found I had a knack. I could give them tips, things I’d picked up from fashion magazines.”

Deciding to capitalize on her knack, Kee took an image consulting course and went into business. She still sells apparel through salons, and now she gives individual consultations and conducts seminars.

And she has hit a plateau.

“Sometimes when entrepreneurs rely on themselves, they have a narrow focus,” Kee says. “I needed more information and expertise so I could take off.”

At 34, she is enrolled in the American Woman’s Economic Development Corp.’s 18-month management course.

“It’s a great group. I went in there that first time and thought, ‘Oh this is the right place,’ ” Kee says. “I’m becoming a better businesswoman. I don’t need to wait for the certificate. I didn’t have a business plan before. It helps you focus.”
