
PLATFORM : Magic Contribution

<i> TOMMY HAWKINS is vice president of communications for the Dodgers and a former member of the Lakers. Reacting to Earvin (Magic) Johnson's announcement that he has the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS, Hawkins told The Times:</i>

Magic’s announcement should provide a message to young people that reinforces the awareness of our vulnerability as human beings. Also, it forces all of us to deal with the devastating reality that we are all at risk and that no one is exempt--not even famous athletes.

This development will probably have more impact than educational seminars , marches or (advertising) campaigns on the dangers of the virus. Many people will respond because this problem affects Magic, a person important to Los Angeles who is also one of the most beloved people in American society.

Magic’s reaction in the face of this is a greater contribution to society than all of the championships he brought to Los Angeles, because he is offering himself as a living example of the importance of safe sex. I’m sure he will campaign for safe sex more tenaciously than he played basketball because this (virus) is taking him away from the game he loves.
