
Censorship, Good Taste and the Big 3 Networks


We want you to know that our family feels very strongly about Christian and traditional values and how they are expressed in the media. Contrary to the way we are usually portrayed by you and the television stations, we are not sappy, wimpy, mindless people who have their head in the clouds and no idea what is going on around them.

We are all but drowned out by the clamor of abortion-rights advocates and homosexuals. As long as you push your (and their) views on the unsuspecting public, and continue to withhold details and change statistics to fit your (or their) agendas, then most of America will have no idea what is really going on behind the scenes.

Our family has not watched “regular” TV for years, and we are much healthier because of it. And we are already boycotting several companies and products because of their “stands” on pornography and abortion. Shall we add you to our list?


Our children need to learn facts, not the fantasies they get from your style of reporting. We will stick to the Disney Channel for fantasy and our church and Christian radio for facts.


