
Manhattan Beach Rejects Smoking Ban


A proposal to ban smoking in all city facilities in Manhattan Beach was snuffed out this week by the City Council.

Manhattan Beach Mayor Bob Holmes, concerned about the health effects of cigarette smoke, which he termed “a toxic substance,” last month proposed a ban on smoking in City Hall and other city buildings and in all restaurants in the city.

He withdrew the plan for a restaurant smoking ban after it became clear that it had no other support on the council. His proposal to ban smoking in city buildings was rejected Tuesday night 3 to 2.


“It went up in smoke,” Holmes said after the vote.

Opponents of Holmes’ proposals--including Councilwomen Pat Collins and Connie Sieber, both of whom are smokers--said a ban on smoking in city facilities is unnecessary because smoking is already restricted to certain areas. They also objected to the city’s interfering with the policies of local restaurants.
