
Cross Controversy


Judge Gordon Thompson’s ruling for the removal of the crosses from Mt. Helix and Mt. Soledad is erroneous at three levels. The First Amendment of the Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . . .” The Constitution in no way prohibits the presence of religious symbols or the practices which the Founding Fathers believed central to American life. It simply disallows an official “state” religion. One doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist (or a judge) to see that Judge Thompson has exceeded the implied and expressed intent of our Constitution.

From a historic context, Judge Thompson’s ruling would preclude taxpayer dollars caring for the California missions, would it not? How dare our elected officials swear an oath of office using the Bible--let’s use an ACLU handbook! While you’re at it, strike “one Nation, under God . . . “ from our Pledge of Allegiance. Come to think of it, “San Diego” (St. James) must be an affront to nonbelievers.

Judge Thompson’s approach simply replaces the United States’ long and positive religious context with a dictatorial absence of religious references. The former is tolerant, the latter is not. The judge would have us exchange the “reactionary” Christian moral behavior, respect for others and tolerance, with politically correct moral relativism and the primacy of the judiciary, with judges and lawyers as the new high priests.


