
Preserving a Storied Past Amid Growth : * A Relentless March of Asphalt and Construction Must Pause Sometimes for History


The idea that Orange County even has any historic places may seem to some like a contradiction in terms. Much that has sprung up where orange groves once flourished has come within recent memory. Even newcomers to the county can remember that just a year ago there were open fields in places they pass daily that have suddenly sprouted shopping malls or new housing developments.

But as much as this high-growth part of Southern California is associated with what is new, it also has a storied past worth preserving. It would be a shame to have buildings or landmarks associated with the early days of settlement in the county disappear under the relentless march of asphalt or new construction. There are some encouraging efforts being made around the county to keep this past alive. One of them is in Santa Ana, where the old Orange County Courthouse, alive with 90 years of history, is being renovated to make room for county offices.

Recycling older buildings for contemporary use is a phenomenon that already has taken hold in many parts of the East. The adaptation of older buildings to current needs makes sense on many levels, especially with the high cost and difficulty of assembling parcels of land. And using older, centrally located buildings such as the courthouse draws people from freeways into the central parts of downtown areas, encouraging a sense of place while linking us with our county history.


There are some modern ideas to be found in these places associated with Orange County’s history too. The Red Car museum in Seal Beach, for example, is a suggestion of things that might come around again. After years of growth centered around the automobile, the Orange County Transportation Authority is making long-range plans for a 47-mile urban rail network in the next 20 years. The more things change, the more they may return eventually to the good, old ideas.
