
Motorcycle Helmet Law


Protect us from ourselves, O Great Powers That Be, for we the ignorant masses would most certainly destroy ourselves without your divine wisdom.

The new helmet law is an outrage and an attack on people’s freedom to do as they see fit regarding self-protection. Each day it becomes more obvious that the rights of Americans are being taken away under the guise of being for our own good. I say let me decide what is good for myself.

Look at how many people smoke cigarettes even though it has been proven to kill them, and possibly those around them, and then observe how slowly legislation is enacted limiting the freedoms of the tobacco companies’ right to do business. The reason for this is as obvious as it is disgusting. It is because the tobacco companies pay big bucks to be left alone to market a lethal substance with minimum regulation. Also, for each cigarette smoked the government receives tax money.


Unfortunately for the motorcycle riders in California and other states with helmet laws, state government doesn’t see any financial benefits in allowing you to continue to ride without a helmet. Is it possible that today rights are only protected with the payment of “protection money”?


West Hills
