
Gov. Clinton, Others Respond to Buck Johns’ Attack on Clinton


Having read Buck Johns’ column, “GOP Leaders Misperceive Clinton,” I’m not surprised that this wealthy, male right-wing activist would be upset by Gov. Bill Clinton’s message. After all, Buck and his country-club millionaire buddies wouldn’t have all that extra pocket change to lavish on political candidates if Gov. Clinton were elected president.

On many points, Buck proves that the Republican Party is out of touch with the voters during this time of deep recession. For example, he knocks Clinton for failing to throw money at the Strategic Defense Initiative and the B-2 bomber. Well, that’s a very Republican position! Let’s keep the Cold War on!

He claims that Bill Clinton is a proven tax-hiker. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the voters prefer candidates who are honest about raising taxes and despise politicians like Pete Wilson and George Bush who say “No New Taxes” while campaigning and then go ahead and tax ‘em anyway!


Buck Johns doesn’t like equal protection for gay people in employment. He derided Clinton for saying that AB 101 was “ . . . the appropriate thing to do.” Let me get this right, Buck Johns would prefer gay people out of work? He would prefer them collecting unemployment checks? It seems Buck and Bill Dannemeyer share the same odd phobia about having all Americans gainfully employed!

Maybe the Democrats really do have a better plan. They certainly have a lot better candidates than the Republicans!

E. FEDORKO, Costa Mesa
