
Legislator Will Continue His Mission


I was surprised to read a letter condemning my efforts to repeal the snack tax (“Can’t Lawmakers Find Real Issues?” Jan. 12). Mr. (Gust) Rouhas contends that my efforts to repeal the tax placed on so-called snack foods is a waste of time and resources because it doesn’t address the major problems facing our state.

I believe that the major problem facing the people of California is the high rate of taxation, followed closely by the over-regulation of business. The ballot initiative that I am co-sponsoring as well as legislation, ACA 37, which I am co-authoring, not only repeals the current tax on so-called snack foods, it also prevents the Legislature from ever taxing any food item, regardless of whether we eat it during a meal or as a snack.

When I campaigned for the Assembly, I pledged to oppose any tax increase and to work toward repealing the most recent taxes that were passed. This initiative effort is in keeping with that promise. Furthermore, the time and resources for this ballot initiative come from private citizens, not taxpayers.


My mission in Sacramento, as an assemblyman from Orange County, is to seek out wasteful government spending and cut taxes wherever and however I can. I will continue on that mission until the majority of the voters decide that they are under-taxed and retire me from office. In the meantime, I wouldn’t suggest saying that repealing the tax on foods is a non-issue while standing in line at the supermarket.

MICKEY CONROY, Republican Assemblyman, Orange
